How long does it take to get an article through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
That depends on how widely held the journal is and on the agreements that libraries have signed with publishers. Often, we deliver articles electronically within 1-3 days. ILL requests are delivered via email from If you don't see it within a few days, check your spam and junk folders. Books have to be mailed, which can take a week or two. Books received through ILL are typically due in 3-4 weeks, but this may vary depending on the lending library's policies.
When you place your request, let us know if you have a firm deadline for receiving the item. You can also contact a librarian directly at for help locating resources for your paper or project.
Interlibrary Loans can be entered through the library catalog by the patron. Library staff can also help in placing the request. Patrons will be notified by email confirming that the request is made and also when the item is available to them. Patrons will retrieve the item either through the mail (off-campus) or in the book lockers in the McAfee Library 1st Floor (on-campus). On-campus patrons should make note of what book locker has been assigned to them and of the unlock code they will need. Library staff are available to assist patrons in retrieving the items from the book lockers if needed.
You can submit an ILL request form here.